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The Complete Collection
By Portfolio and Volume from Edward S. Curtis' "The North American Indian"

From the Portfolios

Portfolio I - Southwest

1 Vanishing Race
2 Geronimo
7 The Apache
9 The Storm - Apache
11 Story Telling - Apache
13 The Scout - Apache
17 An Apache Babe
28 Canyon de Chelly
29 Canyon del Muerto
32 A Son of the Desert
34 Blanket Weaver

Portfolio II - Southwest

41 Pima Baskets
51 Facade - San Javier del Bac Mission
52 Portal - San Javier del Bac Mission
56 Qahatika
61 Mosa

Portfolio III - Plains & Northern

76 Medicine Man
79 Sioux Chiefs
80 Oasis in the Badlands
82 Hollow Horn Bear
84 Slow Bull
89 Little Hawk
101 Black Eagle
103 Red Cloud
114 On the Little Bighorn
119 In the Badlands

Portfolio IV - Plains & Northern

117 Medicine Crow - Apsaroke
126 Going to Camp
127 Winter - Apsaroke
129 For a Winter Campaign
132 Passing the Cliff
133 Shot in the Hand
140 A Mountain Fastness

Portfolio V - Plains & Northern

153 Sitting Bear - Arikara
159 Bear's Belly
160 The Rush Gather - Arikara
165 Arikara Girl
170 Horse Capture
179 Atsina Warriors

Portfolio VI - Plains & Northern

184 The Piegan
188 In a Piegan Lodge
193 Travaux - Piegan
195 At the Water's Edge - Piegan
197 An Idle Hour - Piegan
200 New Chest
205 Bringing The Sweat Lodge Willows
207 Piegan Encampment
208 Piegan Dandy
209 The Three Chiefs
213 Two Moons - Cheyenne
218 Waiting in the Forest

Portfolio VII - Plains & Northern

232 Flathead Camp on the Jocko River
249 Kutenai Duck Hunter
255 The Rush Gatherer - Kutenai

Portfolio VIII - Plains & Northern

256 Chief Joseph
259 Raven Blanket - Nez Perce
260 Night Scout - Nez Perce
266 Nez Perce Babe
274 The Fisherman

Portfolio IX - Plains & Northern

309 Puget Sound Baskets
317 The Clam Digger
318 Homeward
320 Lummi Type

Portfolio X - Plains & Northern

343 Kwakiutl - House Frame

Portfolio XII - Southwest

405 Watching the Dancers
410 Walpi
416 At the Trysting Place
424 Hopi - A Walpi Man

Portfolio XVI - Southwest

544 Taos Water Girls
546 North Pueblo at Taos
562 Sia Street Scene
565 A Feast Day at Acoma
567 Old Trail at Acoma
569 At the Gateway - Acoma
571 At the Old Well of Acoma

Portfolio XVII - Southwest

586 The Offering - San Ildefonso
587 San Ildefonso Pottery
592 Offering to the Sun
595 Street Scene at San Juan
599 An Offering to the Waterfall - Namb'e
606 Grinding Medicine - Zuni
612 Waihusiwa a Zuni Kyaqimassi

Portfolio XVIII - Plains & Northern

616 A Chipewayan Tipi Among the Aspens
630 Assiniboin Hunter
637 A Blackfoot Travois

Portfolio XX - Plains & Northern

694 Woman and Child - Nunivak

From the Text Volumes

Volume 1 - Southwest

Evening in the Desert
Shilne' Ohli - Navaho
Apache Buckskin Painting
Zahadolzha - Navaho
Pikehodiklad - Navaho

Volume 3 - Plains & Northern

A River Camp - Yanktonai
Daughters of a Chief

Volume 4 - Plains & Northern

Play Mates
The Oath - Apsaroke
Incense Over a Medicine Bundle - Hidatsa
Mother and Child - Apsaroke
Crying to the Spirits

Volume 6 - Plains & Northern

Camp in the Foothills - Piegan

Volume 7 - Plains & Northern

A Young Kutenai

Volume 8 - Plains & Northern

Joseph - Nez Perce

Volume 10 - Southwest

Ready for the Cast - Qagyuhl

Volume 12 - Southwest

Grinding Meal
A Visitor
The Stairway Trail at Walpi

Volume 13 - Southwest

Dip Netting at the Sugar Bowl

Volume 14 - Southwest

Looking Out of the Painted Cave

Volume 16 - Southwest

Pavia - Taos

Volume 17 - Southwest

Tablita Woman Dancer - San Ildefonso

Volume 18 - Plains & Northern

A Piegan Play Tipi
Whistle Smoke - Piegan

Edward Curtis

Curtis Self Portrait - 1899

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